The Arabic department at KD endeavours to introduce pupils to this modern foreign language through reading, writing, listening and speaking.
We also expose the pupils to Qur’anic Arabic, which although have a similar structure to general Arabic, does differ greatly in certain aspects. Therefore, the syllabus is very much an interactive one and allows for maximum pupil participation through different activities, including role play.
Why Study this subject?
Arabic is the language of Quran, which makes it of huge importance to Muslims all over the world. Learning Arabic will enable pupils to develop the understanding of the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet (SAW). It will also offer pupils insights into the culture and civilisation of Arabic speaking countries. Possible Career paths include translators and interpreters in organisations such as United Nations, EU, BBC Arabic News and International Media in Britain and Middle East., Tourism, Civil and Diplomatic service.
What we do at KD school
We aim to enhance the skills of native speakers to allow them to get outstanding GCSE grades. In addition, the department places a huge emphasis on teaching Arabic to non-native speakers by allowing them to develop the ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication as well as using it imaginatively and creatively.
As a minimum, the goal of the Arabic department is that by the end of Year 11, that pupils have a very strong command of the language to not only increase their understanding but to also encourage them to continue studying Arabic when they enter further education.
Pupils who are coming from an Arabic background achieve their GCSE early in Year 9. Arabic is an option at Key Stage 4. Non-Arabic speakers can decide to prepare their GCSE in two years.
How will this help our pupils?
The four skills of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing are developed through a range of tasks and activities, using a variety of resources and techniques. Pupils are assessed in all four skills at different stages during their learning of the language. Resources available to the Arabic department include a range of equipment such as interactive Smart board, video and DVD player. We encourage our students to develop their skills through independent study and by using online activities and resources. Pupils are encouraged to produce homework, coursework and display work using ICT. The department aims to make the experience of learning Arabic enjoyable both inside and outside the classroom.
Pupils will study EdExcel specification.