Faith in Action

Students at KD Grammar are provided with the opportunity of developing recitation, pronunciation, memorisation and understanding of the Quran. This is achieved via Quran and Quranic Arabic lessons, Quran competitions and after-school Quran clubs.
The Islamic Studies department provides students with a holistic understanding of Islam. Topics covered include purification, prayer, charity, lives of the Prophets, pilgrimage and good character.
Assemblies are held on a weekly basis at KD Grammar, and are delivered by staff, students and external visitors. A range of topics are covered in assembly time, including religious festivals, British values, history, and current affairs. In addition to this, Year Group assemblies are delivered on bespoke topics relating to specific year groups.
Jummah salah is a focal point of the week at KD Grammar. The Jummah Khutbah is delivered by the school Imam, as well as visiting Imams and students, as a means of developing their leadership skills. The Khutbah topics are chosen with input and advice from the Islamic Committee,ย local and national events, and key Islamic dates.
The month of Ramadan is woven into the fabric of the school at KD Grammar. Students are spiritually uplifted during this month, with additional activities, charitable events, a focus on Quran recitation and an increase in congregational acts of worship. Students start to prepare for Ramadan early on, and are encouraged to connect the month of Ramadan to all aspects of their academic learning.
Students at KD Grammar journey for Umrah every two years. The aim of this trip is to connect the students to the roots of Islam, increase their connection to Allah, teach the obligations of pilgrimage, and to increase the brotherhood and companionship between students. Accompanied by their teachers, the trip allows not only for spiritual development to take place, but also for students to develop and strengthen their Islamic identity.
Congregational salah is at the heart of the school day at KD Grammar. The school timetable is structured around prayer timings, ensuring students can come together for Dhurh (and Asr in the winter) salah. Students are encouraged to use this time for self-reflection, a renewal of intentions and to remind themselves to always connect with Allah.