ICT & Business
Why ICT?
The world is becoming increasingly dominated by the use of ICT systems. These influence every aspect of our everyday lives.
The study of ICT will help provide you with the ANALYTICAL (thinking), COMMUNICATION (writing, talking, giving presentations) and TECHNICAL skills (using a computer at a high level) that you will need to compete as an active participant in this exciting and dynamic world.
The GCSE ICT course will also provide you with an essential foundation for any further courses including those specific to the use of computers and new technology such as A level, AS level, and many vocational and occupational courses.
At Key Stage 3
Year 7 pupils are initially introduced to simple ICT concepts such as using spreadsheets and databases. These are important subject areas that help build the necessary skills required for success in ICT in their later school life. Pupils will also work on topics related to on-line safety and good use of the Internet. Other units covered allow pupils to be more expressive and creative through collaborative poster making and delivering presentations
During year 8 and 9 pupils continue to advance in the work from the previous years. New ground is covered with pupils through mini projects involving the creation of their own websites, video clips and audio files. Pupils are encouraged to be creative and use their own ideas in developing their work. The final aspect of their work at this level is based on project work related to a simulated problem. Pupils will use all the skills they have learnt to create an ICT solution to a given problem.
At Key Stage 4
The school follows the AQA GCSE course. The course is based on 60% coursework which is completed over year 10 and 11. At the end of year 11 pupils take a single exam worth 40% of their total mark. All the coursework is set by the exam board.
Initially pupils are given an assignment that involves two tasks in year 10 where pupils are required to show off their ICT specific skills while creating a specified product like a website, year book or accounting system. Each task is worth 15% of their GCSE.
In year 11 pupils are a given a simulated practical problem and they have to use their knowledge skill and understanding to solve the problem. This work is worth 30% of their final mark. Pupils have to decide how best to go about creating the solution and document the process they follow.
The GCSE is completed by taking an exam worth 40%. The examination is based on a mixture of questions about the practical skills pupils have learn as well as a wide range of theoretical topics including, but not limited to, law, society and emerging technologies